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Create Fishjam

To begin using Fishjam, you need to create a cluster and an instance. Clusters are used to group instances together and load-balance rooms between them. Instances are the actual Fishjam servers that you can connect to and use. By default, users are allowed to create 3 instances across all clusters. To raise the limit, send a request by clicking Raise limit button on the top bar.

Create a cluster

To create a new Fishjam cluster, navigate to the Home tab and click the Add cluster button. You can pick a name for your cluster and the version of Fishjam you want to use there. Optionally, you can specify a token used for API communication with the Fishjam instances. We recommend leaving it blank and using a token that will be randomly generated for you.

Then, you will be prompted with optional recording information. If you wish to enable recording, see the Recording settings section for more details. If you are unsure, you can skip it and configure it later.

Create an instance

To create a new Fishjam instance, enter your Cluster of choice and click the Add instance button.


  • Machine type - Choose the machine type that best suits your needs from the available options with different specifications.
  • Machine location - Select the location closest to your users.

Once the instance has been configured, it will take a few minutes to boot up. The instance will be ready for use as soon as it enters the Running status.