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Fishjam Cloud supports registering webhooks. You can disable and re-enable them at any time without permanently deleting them.

Currently, we send out messages for following events:

  • Creating an instance has succeeded.
  • Creating an instance has failed.
  • Deleting an instance has succeeded.
  • Deleting an instance has failed.

Creating a webhook

Go to Settings and in the Webhooks tab, click the button Add new. Provide a name and the webhook URL. You may also include the authorization header content for authentication purposes.

Payload structure

The payload contains information about the kind of event and its associated data. Currently, we provide events for create_container and delete_container.

Here is an example of a create_container success event.

"kind": "create_container",
"data": {
"uuid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"name": "MyContainer",
"status": "some_instance_status",
"title": "CreateContainerData"

Events can either succeed or fail. Failure events are identified by the presence of a reason property in the data object.

"kind": "delete_container",
"data": {
"uuid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174001",
"name": "FailedContainer",
"reason": "invalid_status",
"title": "DeleteContainerData"