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Working with Fishjam

To view the details of a Fishjam instance, click on the instance name in the instances table in the cluster view.

Connecting to Fishjam

Alright, I've set up a Fishjam instance, what do I do now? You can now connect to it and start building stuff. Two things you'll need is the URL to the Fishjam and the Bearer token for authorization from the dashboard.

The OpenAPI specification for communicating with the Fishjam instance is available in Jellydocs' REST API reference.


Jellydocs offers a variety of examples that demonstrate how to create solutions using Fishjam.

Logs and metrics

Below the details card, you will find metrics for room count, egress, and ingress media traffic. Further down you can find the tool to browse logs from the instance.

The log browser can work in two modes - live and range mode. In live mode, you can stream the current logs. The logs are refreshed every 3 seconds. You can also specify the maximum age of the logs.

In range mode, the logs are not refreshed automatically. You need to specify the timespan you are interested in. Both modes are limited by the top-down limit specified in the input.

Additionally, you can filter logs by their severity and/or search for a specific phrase.


Each spawned Fishjam instance is being automatically clustered with the others. More machines result in increased computing power, but they cannot be separated to create distinct environments.


Separate accounts are currently required to achieve separate environments. We are working to make this feature seamless.

Reconfiguring the instance

Click the Settings button on the Fishjam card to reconfigure the instance. The parameters are adjustable, but cannot be left blank.


To change the instance configuration, a machine restart is required, which will cause a brief downtime.